The well known animated sitcom 'Family Guy' steped in an obscure area last Sunday when it linked the McCain/Palin ticket to the Nazi Party in World War II - in the episode "Road to Germany". According to the article "Did 'Family Guy' Go too Far with Nazi 'McCain' Pin?", the show's creator, Seth MacFarlane is an ardent supporter of Obama.
The McCain campaign didn't comment the fact, but a rep for the show defended that 'Family Guy' has a provocative format and uses satire as the base of its humor. The rep also says that "The show is an 'equal oportunity offender'.".
That is not the first time that MacFarlane get in trouble, because his criticism and satire. In the past, the show had problems with some famous people, including the actor Tom Cruise and the comedian Carol Burnett. They unsuccessfully sued the program.
I particulary love 'Family Guy'. In my opinion, it is a great show because it is a smart humor. Its audience has to know what is going on in the American scene to understand its jokes. However, McFarlane went to far, when linked McCain/Palin with the Nazi Party. I agree that he is allowed to express his polical opinion and he can use his show to do it, but McFarlane should be more careful and choose other subject to make fun of the Republican Candidates.
The McCain campaign didn't comment the fact, but a rep for the show defended that 'Family Guy' has a provocative format and uses satire as the base of its humor. The rep also says that "The show is an 'equal oportunity offender'.".
That is not the first time that MacFarlane get in trouble, because his criticism and satire. In the past, the show had problems with some famous people, including the actor Tom Cruise and the comedian Carol Burnett. They unsuccessfully sued the program.
I particulary love 'Family Guy'. In my opinion, it is a great show because it is a smart humor. Its audience has to know what is going on in the American scene to understand its jokes. However, McFarlane went to far, when linked McCain/Palin with the Nazi Party. I agree that he is allowed to express his polical opinion and he can use his show to do it, but McFarlane should be more careful and choose other subject to make fun of the Republican Candidates.
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